Wi-Ai and Reacting, Responding and Creating

Wi-Ai and Reacting, Responding and Creating

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I’ve written before about how, when it comes to investment decisions, it is better to respond than to react.

However some argue that there’s actually an even higher level of self-leadership… creation.

Reactions are instantaneous and instinctive, whereas responses are thoughtful and deliberate.

Creating, like responding, considers the best options you see in a situation – and then takes this to a deeper level, delving into what we really want or need.

Let’s take the example of someone thinking: “I need to save for retirement” and compare a reactive, responsive and creative approach:

A reaction to this thought might simply be worry.

A thoughtful response might be to identify that worry isn’t actually helpful, while hard work and saving for our needs is.

A creative approach encourages you to question what you need on the deepest level. For example, you could ask yourself what kind of lifestyle you want to live in retirement and consider the different ways of achieving this.

In doing so, you may realise there are even wider options available to you, financially and otherwise.

Wi-Ai Technology Ltd’s tools are designed to help the clients of financial services companies move away from reacting and towards responding and even creating.

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