Wi-Ai and the over-conscientious or “Yes, it is really about you Karen (or Kevin)”
One of the traps we readily fall into as directors or senior managers of financial services providers, platforms or robo-advice businesses is being over-conscientious about telling clients how wonderful (market beating, compliant, flexible, whatever) our products are.
We turn ourselves inside out doing this. There is then nothing more frustrating than seeing clients choose an inferior product over a superior one or worse still, encash a product that meets their needs and flee to one that doesn’t.
However, the danger of us telling clients how great our products are is that this feels as if we are bombarding them with data about us, when they long to tell us all about themselves.
Human curiosity/vanity about understanding “what makes me tick” means that clients value and enjoy Wi-Ai behavioural finance tools which are “all about them”. This facilitates compliant marketing (to new or existing clients) in a post GDPR world.
The tools can be used to great effect in a wide range of marketing applications, including:
- Use on social media
- Use in campaigns for existing clients
- Use in campaigns for potential new clients
- Engagement with existing clients when presenting valuations, statements or reviews
- Design of Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) and apps
For more information on Wi-Ai and client engagement, please contact us: [email protected]